
17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals : Your Guide in 2021


Do you want to know more about United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Here is everything you need to know in 2021.

Sustainable development is the perfect way to attain human development goals such as economic development along with sustaining natural resources.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been a significant part of the 2030 Agenda focusing on Sustainable Development, adopted by the General Assembly in 2015. The latest implemented version of the 2030 Agenda for SDGs has primarily focused on individuals with disabilities at all places. 

#Envision2030 has come forward to promote the implementation of SDGs in the 15-year span, focusing on creating awareness for 2030 Agenda, promoting dialogue amongst the stakeholders for SDGs and establishing a connection with live web resources for every SDG and disability. The 17 United Nations Sustainable Goals have been mentioned below:

Goal 1: No Poverty

  • This goal aims to eradicate poverty amongst the population earning less than $1.25 per day by 2030.
  • Implementation of systems related to social protection for achieving sustainable coverage of people living in poverty.
  • Ensuring that all the people who are poor and vulnerable must attain equal rights to obtain economic resources, basic services, ownership over land, natural resources, and financial services.
  • By 2030, reducing the exposure of poor and vulnerable to environmental shocks, climate-related disasters, and economic disasters.
  • Ensuring proper mobilization of natural resources so as to give an opportunity to developing countries of under-developed countries for the implementation of policies to put an end to poverty.

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger

  • By 2030, ensuring that all people, including the poor, must have access to nutritious food.
  • To completely end hunger, including people suffering from malnutrition, stunting, etc.
  • Doubling the production of agriculture-based products of producers who are particularly women, fishers, family farmers and indigenous people.
  • By 2030, ensuring that systems related to the production of food are sustained along with the implementation of efficient agricultural practices which can help in increasing productivity. These agricultural practices could also help in maintaining ecosystems from climate change, drought, and flooding.

Goal 3: Good health and Well-being

  • Ensure reduction in global maternal mortality ratio by 2030.
  • Aiming to completely end the preventable deaths of small children and infants in the world.
  • Ensuring to completely eliminate the epidemics of diseases like malaria, hepatitis, AIDS, communicable diseases, etc.
  • By 2030, strengthening the treatment of narcotic drug, alcohol, etc.
  • Reducing the number of deaths in the world to half by 2030, considering cases related to road accidents as well.
  • By 2030, ensuring that all the people in the world have access to health-care facilities related to family planning, reproductive health and much more.
  • Achieving good quality health-care facilities including access to high-quality medicines to all the people in the world.

Goal 4: Quality Education

  • The main target of Goal 4 is to ensure that all the children in the world, including girls as well as boys, must have access to free and good quality education.
  • By 2030, all children in the world must have a health-care facility, good quality education (including the preprimary level).
  • Ensuring that all the people in the world must have access to tertiary, vocational and university education.
  • Aiming to provide vocational as well as technical skills to adults so that they can get employment.
  • Elimination of disparities based on genders when it comes to education and vocational training for children, adults and youth.

Goal 5: Gender Equality

  • By 2030, Goal 5 aims to eliminate all kinds of discriminations done on the base of gender against females in the world.
  • Ensure that there is no sort of violence carried out on women or girls, such as exploitation and trafficking.
  • Getting rid of old practices like forced and early marriages.
  • One of the major targets of this Goal 5 is to ensure that all women have access to leadership roles in sectors like corporate, political or public life.
  • Ensuring that women receive equal rights towards resources such as ownership of land, property, inheritance, and much more.
  • By 2030, utilising all forms of the latest technology such as information technology for helping in promoting women empowerment in the world.

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

  • One of the targets of this goal is to provide clean drinking water for all the people in the world.
  • By 2030, aim to get rid of open defecation completely as well as providing access to equitable sanitation for everyone.
  • Ensure that the quality of water does not get affected by excessive pollution and the dumping of hazardous chemicals. Aiming to promote recycling and reuse policy in all parts of the world to save and clean water.
  • By 2030, ensure that there is a reduction in the number of people who have been suffering from water scarcity.  Moreover, introduce highly efficient methods for management of water resources in all parts of the world.

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

  • By 2030, aim to ensure that all the people in the world can have access to affordable and clean energy services.
  • This goal targets doubling up the global rate in improving the efficiency of energy services which are being provided to the people in the world.
  • Ensure that this goal receives full support for upgrading technology that could help in supplying services related to energy resources.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • This goal aims to sustain economic growth when it comes to countries which are considered as the least developed at the moment.
  • Ensuring that there is an increase in economic productivity with the help of innovation, upgrading the latest technology, and diversification.
  • Promotion of policies which support activities such as creating job opportunities, entrepreneurship, innovation and encouraging the growth of the small businesses.
  • Aim to bring forth the opportunities of employment for men, women, young people, and handicapped people. Moreover, promote the youth of the world to take up technical training for enhancing skills or talents.
  • One of the targets of Goal 8 is to completely eliminate forced labour, trafficking of girls or women and slavery in the world by 2030.
  • Ensure to provide complete protection for labour rights so that workers can have a safe environment when they get employment.
  • Promotion of policies related to enhancing tourism so as to create awareness regarding local cultures as well as products of the world by 2030.

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • By 2030, ensure developing reliable and quality infrastructure so as to enhance the economic development in the world.
  • Ensure promotion of industrialization thereby raising employment and GDP, especially in the least developed countries in the world.
  • One of the major targets is to promote access to small business enterprises to bring forth financial services and other products in developing countries.
  • Ensuring the promotion of research studies for the upgrading of technologies that are used in the industrial sector.
  • With the help of upgrading of quality infrastructure in the developing countries, thereby offer financial and technical support to the least developed countries such as Africa.

Goal 10: Reduce Inequalities

  • By 2030, ensure the growth in income of almost 40% of the people in the world.
  • Ensure that equal opportunities are available for men and women by getting rid of discriminatory laws and policies.
  • Ensure that policies which help in the establishment of equality must be promoted. Such policies could be a fiscal policy or wage policy for employees.
  • Ensure to regulate as well as monitor the financial institutions and financial markets in the world.
  • One of the major targets is to encourage developing countries to represent themselves and voice their opinions in international matters related to the financial and economy of the world.

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • This goal aims to ensure that all the people in the world can have access to affordable homes as well as the most basic services.
  • Ensure that everybody should have access to affordable transport systems along with taking serious measures to improve the safety of people using public transport.
  • One of the aims is to encourage efforts towards protecting the cultural heritage of the world.
  • Ensuring that the least number of people get affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes. Ensure that proper measures are taken to improve the air quality in the most polluted areas of the world.

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Ensure that natural resources are being used efficiently in the world. This requires sustainable and efficient management of utilising natural resources by 2030.
  • Ensure that there is a decrease in food wastage at different levels such as retail, production and consumer.
  • One of the major targets of Goal 12 is to encourage proper management of pollutants, chemicals and other wastes which could adversely affect children, men and women in the world.
  • By 2030, promote different methods of managing waste such as recycling and reusing.

Goal 13: Climate Action

  • This goal aims to encourage adaptive capacity towards natural disasters amongst all the countries in the world.
  • By 2030, ensure integration of climate change measures when it comes to national policies and national plannings.
  • Promote awareness regarding the depletion of natural resources due to climate change. Ensure important steps are being taken by developed as well as developing countries to reduce the variations in climate change of the world.

Goal 14: Life Below Water

  • This goal aims to protect aquatic life from marine pollution caused by poor waste management on land.
  • Ensure that the coastal ecosystems are not harmed by marine pollution.
  • Ensure that awareness is spread in the world regarding the adverse effects of ocean acidification on the marine ecosystems.
  • One of the major targets of Goal 14 is to get rid of illegal practices that could harm aquatic life such as overfishing and unregulated fishing in the world.
  • By 2020, ensure that almost 10% of the total coastal areas are conserved by regulating international laws.
  • By 2030, ensure that all the countries can attain economical benefits by maintaining the proper management of tourism and fisheries.

Goal 15: Life On Land

  • By 2020, encourage conservation as well as restoration of natural resources such as freshwater ecosystems, forests, drylands, etc.
  • Ensure that strong measures are taken to restore forests that have degraded and completely end deforestation in the world.
  • One of the major targets is to restore the degraded quality of land as well as soil caused by desertification, floods, etc.
  • By 2030, encourage strong measures to conserve coastal ecosystems, marine ecosystems and mountain ecosystems.
  • Ensure that strong steps are taken to conserve natural habitats, biodiversity and specific species.
  • Take strict actions to protect extincting species of flora, fauna and natural habitats along with putting an end to poaching activities in the world.
  • Ensure that all sorts of danger to marine ecosystems such as marine pollutants and chemicals must be managed properly by all the countries in the world.

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

  • The main target is to reduce all sorts of violence such as abuse and trafficking.
  • Take strict actions to end violence against small children and infants such as exploitation and abuse.
  • Ensure to get rid of illegal arms flows to reduce all forms of violence spreading in the world.
  • Ensure to demotivate corruption at all levels in the world.
  • Encourage as well as promote the developing countries to come forward and participate in the matters concerning global governance.
  • By 2030, ensure that all the citizens of the world must have a legal identity such as birth registration.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

  • Ensure mobilization of financial resources with the help of a plethora of sources for developing countries of the world.
  • Encourage the developing countries of the world to sustain debts with the help of policies. These policies can help the developing countries to foster debt restructure, debt finances and much more.
  • Ensure and encourage specific regimes working for promoting investments in countries which are least developed in the world.
  • Ensure that everybody has access to innovation, knowledge and technology with the help of a mechanism dedicated to achieving technology facilitation in the world.
  • Take strong measures to develop as well as transfer the latest technologies to the developing countries of the world on specific terms and conditions.


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