Last Updated on 1 year by Anoob P T
Want to know how to write a cheque in Canada? Here is a step by step guide to write a cheque without making any mistakes.
In this age of digital banking, usage of cheques have definitely reduced, but there are times when you just need to write a cheque.
Research indicates that the average Canadian writes about two cheques per month.
While writing a cheque might seem easy, the slightest of an error can cost you loss of the cheque leaf and in some cases even money.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write the perfect cheque in Canada

- Date: The first step is to write the date on the upper right corner next to the word “Date”. Write the current date or the date you want the cheque to be deposited on, to post-date the cheque.
- Name of the payee: Next to the words “Pay to the order of” write the full name of the recipient. This should be the name of the person or business that the cheque is intended for. The name has to be spelled correctly or the bank will reject the cheque. Never leave this section blank as someone else can easily fill it out and encash the cheque. Also, refrain from leaving too much space or gaps between words to prevent fraudulent activity.
- Amount in numbers: Next to the dollar sign write the amount of your payment inside the box provided. Ensure that you start writing as far over to the left side of the box to prevent someone from adding an extra number to the amount. It is imperative to add a decimal for cents even if there are no cents to be paid. This amount should not be more than the funds you have in your account otherwise you may be charged a fee for insufficient funds.
- Amount in words: Next to the word “Dollars” write the amount in words. Using all capital letters is advisable as they are harder to alter. Use a fraction for cents, with the number of cents over one hundred. Draw a horizontal line all the way to the end of the space provided to prevent anyone from adding text. The amount in words should match the amount written in numbers. This will be considered as the official amount of your payment if there is a difference between the amounts in words and numbers.
- Sign: Sign the cheque legibly in the space provided at the bottom right portion of the check. Use the same name and signature as the documents at your bank. The cheque will be invalid if it is not signed or signed incorrectly.
- Memo: Write a note on the memo line in the bottom left portion of the cheque. Although optional, it provides valuable information to the payee and also works as a reminder regarding the purpose of the cheque.
If you come across this article a little late and have already made an error like writing the wrong amount, you can simply void the cheque to prevent it from being cashed.
Table of Contents
Here is a guide on how to void a cheque:
- The process is quite straightforward, take the cheque you want to void and simply write the word “Void” across it in large uppercase letters, covering the majority of the cheque.
- Void checks are also used to set up an electronic link to your bank account. In this case, be careful not to write over the transit number on the cheque in the lower left as it is required to access your banking information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you write a Cheque amount?
You can start writing a cheque with the name or the company you wish to pay the money. You should write this amount on “Pay” space and also write the amount in words without any mistakes in capital report.
What if I make a mistake on a Cheque?
If you make a major mistake on the cheque, you need to write a fresh cheque otherwise there is a chance the bank will reject your cheque citing mistake.
How do you write Canadian cents on a check?
You should include the amount in cents, but do not use cents sign (¢) and you should include both decimals. For example, if you want to write cheque for twenty-five cents, you can write $0.25.
How do I write a check to TD Bank Canada?
Write the amount on the cheque, sign it and write, “For deposit only”. You should also write the number on back of the cheque. You can take a photo of the check (front and back) for your reference.
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How to Write a Cheque in Canada
How to Write a Cheque in Canada Summary
Here is a step by step guide on How to Write a Cheque in Canada. Writing a Cheque in Canada is a fairly simple process but it helps to know common mistakes so that you can avoid them.
How to Write a Cheque in Canada
Easy to fill cheque in Canada
Simple process
If you make any mistakes, you will lose a cheque leaf