Last Updated on 1 year by Anoob P T
Do you want to learn Aspen HYSYS? In this post we are going to look at 6 Best Aspen HYSYS Course with Pricing, USP & Review so that you can make an informed decision about which Aspen HYSYS course to buy.
Aspen HYSYS is a chemical process simulator used to mathematically model chemical processes, from unit operations to full chemical plants and refineries.
6 Best Aspen HYSYS Course with Pricing, USP & Review
Table of Contents
Start modeling your first Chemical Process with Aspen HYSYS
This is an elementary course on Plant Simulation via Aspen HYSYS will present you how to:
- Fix a fluid package.
- Control a Flowsheet
- Append unit operations
- Input all the minimal required data.
This is helpful for scholars, instructors, engineers and researchers in the field of R&D and Plant Design/Operation.
The course is didactic, with the minimal theory required to employ on the Simulation Case (hands-on-workshop). The course is intended for Chemical engineers, Process engineers, students related to engineering fields.
- Mold basic unit operations and very basic chemical processes.
- Infer the concept of Flowsheet and orchestrate it.
- Select a Fluid Package for Physical Properties Modeling.
- Select a Fluid Package for Physical Properties Modeling.
Number of students enrolled: 1,319 students
Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Review: The content of the course is well formed and up to the level. If you are awaiting to begin learning Hysys, this is what you require.
USD: $13.99
Explore Start modeling your first Chemical Process with Aspen HYSYS CourseAspen Plus- Basic Process Modeling
The BASIC Aspen Plus Course will exhibit to you how to mold and simulate Processes (From Petrochemical, to Ammonia Synthesis and Polymerization).
Analysis of Unit Operation will help you in order to optimize the Chemical Plant.
This is helpful for pupils, instructors, engineers and researchers in the area of R&D and Plant Design/Operation. The course is didactic, with a good deal of applied theory and Workshops/Study cases.
At the final stage of Aspen Plus- Basic Process Modeling course you will be able to set up a simulation, operate it, get outcomes and more important, analysis of the process for further optimization.
The course is meant for Chemical engineers, engineering students, petrochemical engineers, process engineers, upstream/downstream engineers.
- Model basic chemical processes.
- Infer the concept of Flowsheet and Manipulate it.
- Select the most passable Method for Physical Properties Modeling.
- Alter all reporting answers in order to create the analysis.
- Determine the needful/basic inputs for a Simulation.
Number of students enrolled: 1,802 students
Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Review: This is a fantabulous course, if you want to start out from scratch and get a strong base on process simulation. The case studies are very rousing and they cement your closeness with Aspen Plus and give you the assurance to try your own simulations.
USD: $12.99
Explore Aspen Plus- Basic Process Modeling CourseOil and gas process simulation/ modeling using Aspen HYSYS
If you know nothing about HYSYS or have a little backdrop about it, Oil and gas process simulation/ modeling using Aspen HYSYS course might be good for you.
Oil and gas process simulation/ modeling using Aspen HYSYS course will take you through many modules and course is ideal for petroleum engineers/ students, operations engineers, process designers.
- Process Simulation employing Aspen HYSYS (compatible with V.8 to V.11).
- Oil & Gas Processing Techniques.
- effective use of different HYSYS functions to shape steady state process simulations.
Number of students enrolled: 45 students
Ratings: 4.4 out of 5
Review: The course is easy to learn and backs all of the topics. The teacher is so well-educated and has a fortune of practical experience. I do commend this course for the engineers and for whoever needs HYSYS in their work.
USD: $12.99
Explore Oil and gas process simulation/ modeling using Aspen HYSYS CourseAspen HYSYS- Petroleum Assays and oil characterization
Aspen HYSYS- Petroleum Assays and oil characterization course on Plant Simulation will show you how to frame-up hypothetical compounds, oil assays, blends, and petroleum characterization using the Oil Manager of Aspen HYSYS.
Aspen HYSYS- Petroleum Assays and oil characterizationcourse will help you learn the following:
- Hypothetical Compounds (Hypos)
Estimation of hypo compound information
Models via Chemical Structure UNIFAC part Builde
Basis transition/cloning of subsisting elements
- The input of crude Assay and Crude Oils
Typical Bulk attributes (Molar Weight, Density, Viscosity)
Distillation curvatures such as TBP (Total Boiling Point)
ASTM (D86, D1160, D86-D1160, D2887)
Light terminal
- Oil Characterization
Employing the Petroleum Assay handler or the Oil handler
Importing Assays: subsisting Database
Developing Assays: Manually / Model
Cutting: Pseudocomponent generation
The blending of crude oils
Putting up oils into Aspen HYSYS flowsheets
- Getting results (Plots, Graphs, Tables)
Property and Composition Tables
Dispersion Plot (Off Gas, Light Short Run, Naphtha, Kerosene, Light Diesel, Heavy Diesel, Gasoil, Residue)
Oil attributes
Boiling Point Curves
Viscosity, Density, Molecular Weight Curves
This course is good for students, instructors, engineers, and researchers in the region of R&D, especially those in the Oil and Gas or Petroleum purification industry.
- Certificate of accomplishment
- Downloadable content
- Wangle the Physical Property Environment.
- Utilize the UNIFAC element Builder.
- Soulmate/Edit/handle/Model Hypothetical Compounds.
Number of students enrolled: 1,090 students
Ratings: 4.3 out of 5
Review: Very useful course, with the theory and exercise well equilibrated. What I liked most was the study case at the final stage.
USD: $12.99
Explore Aspen HYSYS- Petroleum Assays and oil characterization CourseAspen HYSYS- Basic Process Modeling
The BASIC Aspen HYSYS Course will demonstrate to you on how to model and imitate Processes (From Petrochemical, to Ammonia deduction and Polymerisation).
Analysis of Unit Operation will also assist you in order to optimize the Chemical Plant.
Aspen HYSYS- Basic Process Modeling course is good for students, instructors, engineers and researchers in the field of R&D and Plant Design/functioning.
- Mold basic chemical processes.
- Infer the concept of Flowsheet and wangle it.
- Select the most passable Method for Physical Properties Modeling.
- Alter all reporting outcomes in order to create the analysis.
- Circle up the needed/basic inputs for a Simulation.
Number of students enrolled: 1,124 students
Ratings: 4.2 out of 5
Review: Splendid course for someone who is beginning to learn Hysys. Like the Aspen Plus courses, case studies and workshops are very mattering to study with. Looking ahead to see intermediate and advanced level courses from this teacher.
Pricing: $12.99
USD: 7
Explore Aspen HYSYS- Basic Process Modeling CourseProcess Simulation Aspen Hysys Basic course
The Process Simulation Aspen Hysys Basic course will teach you how to frame, navigate and optimized process simulations, How to use and employ advanced molding techniques to raise existing flowsheets.
Process Simulation Aspen Hysys Basic course will also teach you effective use of different HYSYS uses to construct calm-state process simulations.
- Discover how to build, navigate and optimize process simulations employing Aspen Hysys.
- Discover the effective use of different Hysys parts to build firm state process simulations.
- Downloadable sources.
- Certificate of accomplishment.
Number of students enrolled: 16 students
Ratings: 3.7 out of 5
Review: a very informative course to study on, would really recommend it to others.
USD: $12.99
Explore Process Simulation Aspen Hysys Basic CourseFrequently Asked Questions about Aspen Hysys
What is Aspen Hysys for?
Aspen HYSYS is the energy industry’s leading process simulation software. Aspen HYSYS is used by top oil and gas producers, refineries and engineering companies for process optimization in design and operations.
How much does Aspen Hysys cost?
Aspen Hysys is expensive and cost for a single user HYSYS licence is around $30,000 to $50,000 per year.
How do I learn Aspen Hysys?
You can learn Aspen Hysys by using any of the courses mentioned above or using official Aspen Hysys tutorials.
Which is better Aspen Hysys vs Aspen Plus?
Major difference between Aspen Hysys and Aspen Plus is that HYSYS is flow based while Plus is process focused.
What does Aspen Technology do?
Aspen Technology is the company that’s embedding artificial intelligence (AI) throughout industrial manufacturing environments
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