Last Updated on 12 months by Anoob P T
A Salary Certificate in UAE is one of the most important documents you would need during the course of your employment.
A salary certificate is required for you to get loans for any of your personal needs such as automobile, housing or even personal loans.
At the end of this post on benefits and uses of salary certificate in UAE I have included few useful posts on how to make money online, please check them out if the topic interests you.
I had been a salaried employee for over 12 years and now transitioned into making a full time income from online sources and if you are interested, you too can join me on this journey.
Even if you are happy with your full time salaried job, I strongly urge you to consider starting an online business so that you have some side-income and you are not completely dependant on your job.
It takes time to build a sustainable income from online sources so the faster you start, the better it would be.
Table of Contents
What is Salary Certificate in the UAE?
A salary certificate in the UAE is provided by the employer to an employee in the UAE which stands as a documented and legal proof for the former’s job.
Moreover, it also contains the salary entitlement of the employee and are provided by the employer upon the request of the employee. The salary certificate acts as a proof for your designation and job in an organisation.
Salary certificate is given as a document printed on the company’s letterhead with the signature of an authorised personnel and seal. It can have various formats depending upon the requirements of the bank.
However, the important points we can find in a salary certificate are date of issue, name and gender of the employee, his/her position in the organisation, job designation or profile, joining date, gross and net amount of salary, allowances, benefits, and name, address and contact details of whoever signing the certificate.
Salary certificate in the UAE acts as a mandatory document when you want to apply for loans or credit card in a bank.
You can approach the Human Resources Department [HRD] of your organization and apply for the issuance of a Salary certificate.
If the bank or financial institution has a required format, then you must inform your organization about the same.
Usually, the people working in HR departments are aware of the types of salary certificates required by most banks.
Use of Salary Certificate in the UAE
Most importantly a salary certificate is issued by an employer upon the request of an employee. These documents have an important role when it comes to applying for loans or credit cards in banks.
It acts as a proof for your source of income, which is trusted by the bank for you to get a loan or credit. With the salary certificate, the bank can verify about the job details of the person and can decide if he or she will be able to repay the loan.
Hence, your chance to get availed of a loan hugely depends on your salary certificate.
Banks usually assess your savings by looking at the bank statements and your earnings or income through the salary certificate before giving you a loan.
The salary certificate proves that you are a person with regular income and has the potential to repay the loan. In UAE, the salary certificate has to be attested before applying for loans.
Hence you need original salary certificate along with a photocopy and original passport of the applicant along with a photocopy of the first and last page and a valid visa page.
Benefits of Salary Certificate
As salary certificate is a proof of our income, it can be used for the purposes of bank transactions and income tax payments.
Usually, a salary certificate is also asked by the employee if the employer is not able to provide the salary slip regularly.
While applying for visa or to executive programs at various universities, you may have to submit copies of your salary certificate, as a proof of your salary and designation.
The income tax amount which you need to pay totally depends on the salary and the income tax return amount, which you claim from the government. Hence, it is your right to ask your employer for a salary certificate.
Salary Certificate UAE Format
These are few samples of salary certificate format in UAE.

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Salary Certificate UAE: Uses, Benefits & Format
Salary Certificate UAE: Uses, Benefits & Format Summary
A salary certificate in the UAE is provided by the employer to an employee in the UAE which stands as a documented and legal proof for the former’s job.
Salary Certificate UAE: Uses, Benefits & Format
Most companies in UAE provide Salary Certificate
Salary Certificate UAE is proof of employment
If you are on contract some companies might not provide salary certificate