Last Updated on 10 months by Anoob P T
Are you excited by anything you do in life? When was the last time you did something that genuinely excited you?
After 12 years of working at numerous full time jobs, I have to admit, I’m not excited by many things.
I do get excited about the growth of this website (momentarily) and when I find some new way to make some money online.
Are You Excited? Using Excitement to Find Your Purpose
I’m at a phase in my life where I have to look very hard to find excitement at least professionally.
When I was a young kid, I used to be excited about possibilities.

I used to be excited by the sound of rain in the morning, excited about the possibility of having a good game of cricket, excited about what the day would bring.
As I started growing up, I could feel the excitement slipping away from my life.
Now-a-days, not many things excite me–this is what I’m consciously trying to change.
If you are also feeling the same lack of excitement, I urge you to take a moment and think.
Table of Contents
When was the last time something excited you?
I’m not talking about the fake excitement you have to show in office or to your boss but genuinely excited thinking about the possibilities.
What we do for a living makes up for most of the time so it’s important to be excited about what work you do.
I don’t know your professional experience, but I can take a few guesses.
You were excited the first time you got a job.
Gradually excitement faded and you wanted a better job, more money.
Then you got a new job, then the same process all over again.
I’m taking these guesses because that’s my story.
When my startup got $2 million in funding, I was a bit excited but deep down, I knew this would mean more work, more politics and more shit.
When I got fired from the company I had started, it was a little exciting.
This meant that I had to figure out what to do next and there was some risk that I did not have a job lined up.
I always thought that once my company became successful–I would be on an ever-high rush of excitement.
I guess it was coming from a wrong notion that what I did for a living had to make money and make me excited at the same time.
I had recently read a blog post from Derek Severs and quickly resonated with my own thoughts about the need to keep work and passion/excitement projects separate.
His post is called Balance, its thought-provoking and insightful. You can read it here.
I’m listing down few things that are exciting me, may be you will find it useful.
Excitement in A side-hustle
If you can relate to this lack of excitement in professional life, I strongly urge you to take up a side-hustle.
I’m not talking about starting the next insane, world-changing idea–just a blog or may be a YouTube channel.
Don’t expect money from it for two years, but watch it grow like a plant you are tending to.
The first few months will be hard, but I can assure you that you will find some excitement when it makes your first dollar and you did it all by yourself.
Excitement in A Job
I’ve been consulting few companies for digital marketing and there have been few companies that have offered me full-time positions.
But none of those jobs excite me. It will start off good, then slowly pressure will be on to get more leads, get more sales, drive more conversions, improve campaign efficiency and finally they will want 20x return on investment.
If you want to find excitement in a job, I think you will have to think of your job as a project that you are doing just for fun.
The moment your life depends on your job, then you are in trouble.
When I was working full time, I was making more than $8,000 in side income from my projects.
I still held on to my job because coming from a middle class family, it was drilled deep into my head that I need to keep a job no matter what.
What excited me about the job was to grow it fast to attract investment and when that happened, I naturally lost my excitement and I started rebelling because it was never about the money.
Then I was shown the door.
Excitement in Travel
I’m one of those guys who never dreamed of travel that much.
In fact, I thought of travel as boring and whenever I had to travel, I was always eager to come back home.
Ever since this Pandemic hit, I have been watching lot of travel videos and now there is a longing in for me to travel.

I want to drive on the Grand Pacific drive and spend some time walking the villages of Scotland.
May the excitement of travel is something I feel because I’ve been holed up in my apartment for months but unless I travel, I would never know.
Excitement in Relationships
The only relationship I was truly excited about ended many years ago and from then, I always had this lack of interest in relationships.
I had few girlfriends’ between then and now and none of them made me excited.
I’m in a relationship with a girl now–the likes of whom I would never had thought would make me excited.
She is a simple girl, not very bright and lives in her own little world of movies and romance.
For her, I’m the most exciting thing in her life and she goes out of her way to keep me happy and cared for.
I’m a little excited to see where this goes.
If you really want to find purpose, I think you need to do things that excite you.
Either you will lose your excitement or find something worthwhile.
Good luck!
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Are You Excited?
Are You Excited? Summary
Are You Excited? Here is how to use excitement to find your purpose in life.
Are You Excited?
Excitement usually is a measure of overall life quality
Hard to find something that excites you